Resolve the Resolutions

January 3, 2011

“I’ve opened a gym called Resolutions. It has exercise equipment for the first 2 weeks of each year, then becomes a bar for the remaining 50” -twitter, @MrFornicator

Years ago, I started the tradition of making goals instead of resolutions. I seemed to find that “Most resolutions involve inspiration but no preparation”, . I would start off with the best intentions to drink less alcohol or become a rocket scientist, but would always find that come January 15th or so my visions of grandeur had fallen flat. So, in response to my unsuccessful years of good intentions but failed resolutions- I decided to try another way. Now, I sit down for an hour or two (with a cocktail in hand) and write out the goals for my personal, business, and relationship lives. A goal seemed much more practical and attainable than a resolution because it’s accompanied by a set of steps to lead me where I want to go. When I worked for Lululemon in NYC, goal setting was a regular part of our work load. This is what they taught me, I thought I would share it with you:

Make your goals in the present tense and use affirmative language
Lose the “I will” mentality and the “I don’t” negativity- you can be willing to do it but your mind knows the difference. Trick it into thinking you’re already in the process of completing your goals.

Make sure you can measure your goals and be specific!
Setting the bar too high can set you up for failure out of the gate. Make sure you make your goals into do-able steps or mini-goals. No more “I will be a better person” or “I will be thin”. Being vague will lead to disappointment.

Hold yourself accountable
The problem with most of us is that we tend to take the time to set the goal and then wait for it to magically manifest. Before we know summer has arrived, then fall and it’s almost time to create another set of goals. Make sure you give yourself a deadline for your goal which will help keep the goal manageable and successful.

This month I am experimenting with goal setting and resolving to do things differently and hopefully better. Stay with me for the next couple weeks while I investigate the best way to shape your life the way you want.

As always I welcome your comments and suggestions on how you resolve to make a revolution!

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